You are a Divine Goddess
Your body is a Sacred Temple
Yoni is the source of your Life Force Energy!
— an invitation to sacred spot yoni massage ritual in Japan [ζ₯ζ¬θͺ] —
In the Sacred Spot Yoni Massage Ritual you will receive attention, reverence and devotion as the Divine Goddess herself.
Your sacred body, your holy temple, your Yoni, will receive unconditional love & touch, within the limits of your consent.
You will realize you are the embodiment of the Divine Goddess, whose Yoni birthed the entire universe into existence.
Japan sessions will resume in July 2023. Please contact us for more information.
Who can benefit from Sacred Spot Yoni Massage Ritual?
The Sacred Spot Massage Ritual is for anyone with a yoni who resonates or identifies with any of the following:
- feeling disconnected from pleasure, desire or life force energy
- feeling a lack of physical touch
- interested in the practice of pure receiving, without pressure or obligation to reciprocate
- desire to be revered as an incarnation of the sacred feminine
- desire to be witnessed and accepted just as you are
- wanting to release old traumas or release stored emotions that no longer serve you
- feeling a numbness in the core of your sexuality
- desire to receive holistic, nurturing, one-way therapeutic touch
- desire to explore and expand your capacity for sensing pleasure
- desire to feel empowered as a woman
Cultural messages of shame & repression, emotional & physical abuse, trauma, neglect, stress, relationship issues, heartbreak and more can cause some women to become disconnected from their power source. This can shut down sensuality & sexuality, cause numbness, and cause you to forget you are the embodiment of the sacred, divine goddess. And these repressed emotions, blocked energies, shame, guilt & traumas are often stored in the body were in the sex center.
And even women who have never experienced any overt physical or emotional traumas can potentially benefit from addressing issues that might have been subconsciously stored. Issues from past relationships or conventional cultural messaging around the role of women and women’s sexuality in society.

What are the benefits of receiving Sacred Spot Ritual Massage?

Through loving, conscious, one-way, holistic touch, you will have the opportunity to heal & release anything that is no longer serving you. You can start to awaken from numbness and to re-activate your pleasure center. You can give yourself permission to feel pleasure and to expand the limits of how much pleasure you can feel.
Benefits can include:
- emotional release
- scar tissue remediation
- moving stuck energies
- release stored pain & past traumas
- release layers of shame, repressed emotions & guilt
- find strength & power in vulnerability
- explore your capacity for feeling pleasure
- connect with the sacred Goddess to awaken within and shine through you
- feeling empowered as a woman
- reconnect with, and awaken your yoni
- realization that you alone are the owner of your pleasure
healing the connection between heart and sexuality, allowing unconditional love to enter your being through your yoni
fully accepting your total self
- opening the gateway to spiritual experiences
Sometimes our minds tell us we can’t allow ourselves to feel too much pleasure, but our bodies naturally crave touch and pleasure. In the safe space of your Sacred Spot Yoni Massage Ritual, you can let your mind go and surrender to the magic and wisdom of your body’s natural desires. Pleasure is your birthright and it is up to you to give yourself permission to claim your birthright.
What can you expect during your session?
Your session will be customized to your individual situation and needs, and can include any or all of the following:
- Breathing practices
- Conscious touch practices
- Meditation
- Eye-gazing
- Yoni-gazing
- Full body massage
- External yoni massage
- Internal yoni mapping (similar to shiatsu or reflexology)
- Sacred Spot (a.k.a. goddess spot or g-spot) massage
- Self-pleasure witnessing
(Read about Koko’s experience on her blog, in Japanese.)
Sessions are between 2 to 3 hours. We will begin with a check-in to see where you are emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and sexually. We will identify your boundaries and limits and discuss a plan for the session. We will ceremonially create a sacred ritual space for you to feel safe and relaxed. We proceed with some practices and exercises to prepare you for the massage ritual. You will experience respectful, mindful, one-way sensual touch through sublime and pleasurable, holistic bodywork. The aim is not to sexualize the experience but to include sexual energy in the whole body massage. If the life force energy is activated during your session, you will be supported in spreading this blissful energy of eros throughout your entire body, instead of chasing the short-term goal of reaching orgasm. Although orgasm is not the goal of these sessions, sometimes orgasm happens. If you orgasm, please treat it is as a blessing - a sweet, momentary experience on the longer journey to a more blissful, orgasmic life.
To be fully exposed and to be fully witnessed is to be completely vulnerable. Experiencing this level of vulnerability and to invite touch into your most holy of places can also be very empowering and liberating. There is great strength to be found in vulnerability.
Why use the word "Yoni"?
From Sanskrit, it can mean sacred space, symbol of female power as represented by the goddess Shakti, or divine source of life force energy. I prefer to use Yoni as an alternative to the male-oriented and patriarchal medical terms for female external and internal genital organs. Referring to Yoni includes the vulva, labia, clitoris, introitus, g-spot, vaginal barrel, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
Why do I offer these sessions?

Facilitating the Sacred Spot Ritual sessions is my spiritual practice of devotion to the divine feminine and the sacred goddess, creator of the universe. As a male practitioner, it is important to me to offer myself as a model of how men can create and hold a sacred, supportive and safe space to honor and serve female healing & pleasure. My goal is to support you to be in full ownership of your body & experience, and to receive fully without needing to regard anyone else’s pleasure but your own, so you can focus completely on your experience, your sensations, your pleasure and your healing.

I was soft when I felt pain and joy in my heart, in my Yoni. I responsible for it all. I gained confidence. I was proud to be a woman. I was able to regain my connection with peace of mind because Terry seriously witnesses the blossoming of women. After receiving the session, my senses become certain, and I am spending my time in heart without being disturbed everything around me!—Yuko
The Sacred Spot massage was a life changing experience for me. The ability to be completely vulnerable and safe, while receiving pleasure and loving my body as it is, is a true joy and experience that can not be described in words. My ability to let go in the moment, and have my mind meet my body in the present without feeling weird, judged, shamed - makes me feel more alive than ever. I highly recommend it to all women who have a desire to be empowered, brave, and curious of the unknown.— Shirley
Who am I?
I am an explorer and practitioner of conscious & sacred sexuality and a devotee of the goddess, the divine feminine. I grew up in Asia and then spent 25+ years in San Francisco being exposed to progressive and alternative approaches to lifestyles, sexuality, art, music & technology. I’ve been a lifelong seeker and student of spirituality, sexuality, tantra & other mind-body modalities and have been practicing Iyengar yoga for over 25 years.
I am a practitioner of yoni & sacred spot massage rituals, Reiki and Pranassage. In recent years I’ve increased my focus in the areas of tantra, conscious & sacred sexuality, sexological bodywork and non-traditional relationship models, inspired by the work of Daniel Odier ("Tantric Quest"), Deborah Anapol (“Polyamory in the 21st Century”), Nicole Daedone (“Slow Sex”, Orgasmic Meditation), Barbara Carrellas ("Urban Tantra"), Margot Anand and Emily Nagoski ("Come As You Are"). For the last few years I’ve been devoted to the work of ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) where I’ve been studying and assisting the Spiritual Sexual Shamanic workshops & I took the Practitioner Training course.
I live most of the year in Costa Rica, surrounded by primal energy of the jungle and ocean, where surfing is my daily meditation. I also spend time in Japan, a beautiful land steeped in ancient history with a primal, mystical spirituality, where I facilitate workshops on sexuality with my partner Koko Niwa.