Yoga journey begins .... after 1 month of intensive course


全米ヨガアライアンス認定200時間のヨガ・ティーチャーズ・トレーニング、無事に修了しました。毎日7時間のヨガ漬けの一ヶ月を終えた今、心身ともにまるで新次元に突入したように開ききっています。体のパーツ毎にも脳みそにも隙間ができて、心身ともに解放され、軽やかになった感じ。身体もマインドも、自分が思い込んでいた自分自身の限界をゆうゆうと突破して、ヨガのプラクティスも数段深まった気がします。(一応)これで世界中どこででもヨガを教えられる資格もいただきました!ヨガは自分と向き合う旅でもあります。この修行は一生、続いていきそうです。 I have just completed a 200 hours Yoga Teachers Training at Nosara Yoga Institute, Costa Rica. My body and mind feels so open now .... my Yoga practice gotten much deeper than before, but I feel like this is just the beginning of my life-time Yoga journey. 


Everyday 7 hours of Yoga ..... not just posters (asanas), learning about philosophy & history of Yoga, techniques of relaxation & meditation, breathing, sutras, lots of chanting, bandhas, chakras, body functionality and anatomy... all included...... 30 days / 4 weeks full-on non stop course.... .... studying with 33 other future beautiful yogis from all paths of lives.... wow it was an intense unforgettable experience!

Main teachers - Don and Amba, the founder of Nosara Yoga Institute (established & great reputation all around the world, very unique and profound) were the shining guide of the whole training. They were deep, honest, professional, playful, truly warm hearted, and always willing to share. We felt like we are a one unique family embracing the radical differences. 

Don took care of the academic, philosophy side of the whole course, while Amba shared examples, and showed how she puts into her daily practices. 

The last week was all about practicing teaching, guiding a full 90-minute course. "What is your Yoga? What is your intention? Where do you want people to take to?" Fundamental questions arises - as you inquire yourself WHO YOU TRULY ARE .... 

Here is something one of the teachers shared with us... shared, supported, inspired by new Yogi friends.

Yoga is a commitment you make to yourself, a daily practice, a way of living and relating to the world. It is a practice that can only give back to you as much as you are willing to surrender to it.

It's not limited to what happens on a yoga mat, it extends into how we interact with other people, animals, and the planet itself. It is meant to permeate our entire life, and shine the light of awareness onto our very existence.

It is about being real and truthful, meeting yourself here and now. exactly as you are in this moment, day after day, time and again. It will lead you to uncover the boundless inspiration buried in the silence of your soul.

Yoga is a spiritual practice.

It is a way to reconnect with a spirit that once shone brightly from within, but somehow was forgotten, obscured by years of fear, pain, and loss. This path of rediscovery isn't necessarily easy. However, if we have the courage to truly begin this journey, it will be both rewarding and transformative.


I feel like my journey has just begun.... with the support, love, and inspiration from my new network of friends. 

And thank you for the support, mi familia! so grateful and blessed. I couldn't have completed the course without your love! 

Atha Yoga Anusasanam..... Now the yoga inquires begin Yoga chitta vritti nirodaha .... When we are in state of Yoga, all misconception disappears Tada drastu swarupe vasthanam ....Finding our true self entails insight into our own Vritti sarupyam itaratra .... If we don't look inside, misconception skew our preception

Here we go, from now and beyond, open, expand, and evolve. OM..... shanti shanti shanti.... enlightenment & PEACE!!!


50% Complete

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